FARMERS HAVE HAD ENOUGH Farmers and ranchers are gathering to protest government policies that favor the largest food industry giants as the national “Enough Is Enough Tour” surges across the U.S. this spring. With Congress preparing to debate the farm bill during prime planting and calving season, restricting farmers’ and ranchers’ ability to bring their voices to Washington D.C., farm groups will gather at events in six states to call on Congress to deliver a bill that levels the playing field. The Enough Is Enough Tour is a unified platform for farmers and ranchers to voice the disastrous impacts of the current system on their lives and livelihoods, and to demand reforms that bring prosperity and fair competition to agriculture. The tour is endorsed by 16 farm organizations and sponsored and organized by Farm Action and Farm Action Fund. Tour events will take place across the country, hosted by grassroots and national organizations representing the interests of our nation’s food producers. On Wednesday, May 29, the Tour will stop in Columbiana, Ohio. A complimentary lunch will be served. REGISTRATION REQUIRED (see link below).
Learn about soils and composting from two different farm systems in a single day! 9am - Noon Green Things Farm Collective 3825 Nixon Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 1 - 4pm Sanctuary Farms 3171 Lakeview St, Detroit, MI 48215 Van transportation between farms will be provided.
Hear two short presentations about current and recent organic on-farm experiments. Speakers will talk about specific trials underway at their farms or recent trials that informed this year's work. We're leaving time for attendees to ask questions, compare notes, or share their own experiences and ideas. Matt Falb, Constant Springs Farm in Orrville, Ohio – pastured beef and organic row crops Van Slack and Betsy Rosser, Marshall Greens Farm, Muskingum Soil and Water Conservation District – small grains variety trial Connection Details Farmers, educators, researchers, and other interested individuals are welcome to join us on the first Thursday of each month to discuss a variety of topics related to organic production research. If you have questions or ideas, please contact one of our group leaders: Johnnie Speicher (OEFFA), Denise Natoli Brooks (Central State University), or Cassy Brown (Ohio State). Join Zoom Meeting Join by Phone Dial 1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) or 1 651 372 8299 (Minnesota) Meeting ID: 950 2259 7557 Password: 654283 Use *6 to mute/unmute Use *9 to raise/lower hand
The Agricultural Justice Project (AJP)’s Food Justice Certification (FJC) standards address ethical working and living conditions for agricultural system workers and fair trade and pricing for farms and agricultural businesses. This free online session welcomes farmers that have worked through the FJC process, as well as those who have engaged with OEFFA/AJP technical assistance programs to implement different approaches to AJP standards on their farms, to reflect, reconnect, and look to the future. Register at the link below.
Join Rural Action, Morgan Hager, and Lindsay Klaunig of Trouvaille Farm for a fun and interactive event. Folks will come away with a better understanding of how to prevent common issues with their small engines as well as basic diagnostic knowledge. This class is ideal for folks who have operated small engines on farm and would like to learn the mechanics of their equipment. Get your hands dirty and learn some new skills in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Don't miss out on this opportunity to empower yourself and take the macho out of mechanics! Click the link below to register.
Please register for the Growing and Growth Collective's annual Juneteenth event, Juneteenth Justice: Pathways to a Sustainable Future. Their goal is to invite the community into conversation with local growers about the ways food producers and food consumers can promote justice, sustainability, and control over what and how we grow and eat. Their program will feature a keynote with Jim Embry, a nationally-recognized speaker with expertise in Black agriculture and activism in food justice and food sovereignty. They are also hosting a panel discussion on the history and contributions of African Americans in agriculture and the importance of Juneteenth to all Americans. Agenda for the event: Welcome and introduction of keynote speaker (2:00 PM) Keynote by Jim Embry (2:10 PM - 2:50 PM) Panel Discussion (3:00 PM -3:30 PM) Your choice of a visioning activity by Jim Embry or a tour of the Franklin Park Conservatory garden (3:30 PM - 4:00 PM)
In this virtual workshop series, OEFFA staff will cover the basics of organic certification, organic farming practices, and some things farmers should consider before becoming certified. What is organic? (Monday, June 10)—Understand the wide variety of definitions of organic, the holistic approach to organic farming, and some land stewardship practices used in organic agricultural systems. Is organic for me? (Monday, July 8)—Examine how your farm business could benefit from organic certification (or not) and discuss the pros and cons of becoming certified organic. How do I become certified organic? (Monday, August 12)—Walk through the steps to becoming certified, understand the paperwork, and hear tips for making the certification process as smooth as possible. Register by using the link below.
This symposium will bring together a national and international audience of academic and research-oriented professionals to share and gain knowledge on how we can build coalitions to adapt to this changing world and how urban food systems contribute to these solutions.
SilvoPro is a 3-day training for producers, agricultural professionals, and technical service providers who want to take agriculture to new heights by implementing silvopasture. Rural Action is delighted to host Austin Unruh and his team at Trees for Graziers for this 3-day training, held at United Plant Savers. Silvopasture is the managed integration of trees, livestock and forage. Austin is the founder of Trees For Graziers and author of The Grazier's Guide to Trees, built TFG into a leading silvopasture and conservation implementation company. In this course the TFG team shares all they have learned through years of applied practice so you can fast-track your own silvopasture career and practice. - Visit working farms that have implemented silvopasture at scale - Dive deep into the process of developing silvopasture plans - Interact with a cohort of fellow practitioners - Learn how to spread silvopasture in your region - Open up real professional opportunities.
Join Richland Soil and Water Conservation District and partners for this special workshop for anyone interested in pasture and grazing management. Those new to livestock and forage management are encouraged to join. Learn how to use a grazing stick, plant ID and species selection, and learn about various equipment used to support rotational grazing operations. Pre-registration is required.
OEFFA's team of educators is available to assist farmers at any stage of their journey. Whether you are making the switch to organic, are already certified, or have questions about sustainable agriculture practices, OEFFA can share guidance and support. Drop in virtually each month to talk to sustainable agriculture educators with your queries and questions. Click the link below to register and receive the Zoom meeting link.
Why Save Seeds? Learning how to grow food is a first step to food sovereignty. A natural progression is learning how to save seeds. In addition to saving money, saving seeds that have been adapted to our local conditions is a must. Donetta Boykin of Endigo's Herbals and Seven Seed Sowers Co-op leads this workshop that will focus on how to clean and save seeds from produce grown on your farm. Topics covered: Seed harvesting Cleaning methods Storage Germination testing REGISTRATION REQUESTED BY MONDAY, JUNE 17.
With her herd of 24 goats and 17 babies, along with a mixed flock of more than 50 hens, Everyday Acres serves 20 herd share members with raw goat milk and eggs and sells eggs at City Folks Farm Store in Columbus. Maria has been managing her farm since 2017 and will be giving a tour of her facilities, and answering questions regarding her business structure. Come to learn and enjoy the baby goats! This event is a part of OEFFA's 2024 Farm Tour and Workshop Series. Learn more at
What does a successful Cooperative Farm look like? Walt Bonham of Richland Gro-Op will be answering that question and many more during this extensive Co-Op Farming Workshop. Topics covered include: Forming a Cooperative Constructing Crop Plans Addressing Aggregation Challenges GAP/FSMA Certification Support Creating Impactful Sales Channels *Lunch and tours also included! The cost is eligible for 2501 support. REGISTRATION REQUESTED BY FRIDAY, JUNE 21. The Richland Gro-Op (RGO) is a cooperative of urban and rural farmers in Richland County, Ohio, that grow and sell vegetables year-round to local restaurants, institutions, and consumers. By crop-planning and marketing produce collectively, RGO members aim to improve the economic viability of urban agriculture in Richland County and increase the supply of locally produced, high-quality vegetables. RGO grows over 10 different types of vegetables and delivers year-round throughout the Richland County and Central Ohio region.
From June 27-29, 2024, engage in networking and education opportunities that address the unique challenges and needs faced by Black farmers and urban growers. 3 keynote presentations 16 concurrent workshops Networking and technical assistance Urban agriculture tours The conference is free, but registration is required. Registration closes on May 24, 2024.
Join Cynthia Flores with Labor Movement in understanding BETTER body mechanics and movement patterns in order to increase workforce productivity and help decrease workplace injuries. Open to farmers and farmworkers, time will be spent in an interactive atmosphere moving through four basic movement patterns: hinge, squat, push, and pull, along with the importance of core stability. Each participant will leave with tips focused on ways to improve their overall movement patterning and work-related well-being. Plenty of opportunity for Q&A. Registration is free but space is limited to allow for some individual attention. Click the link below to register.
Join Cynthia Flores with Labor Movement in understanding BETTER body mechanics and movement patterns in order to increase workforce productivity and help decrease workplace injuries. Open to farmers and farmworkers, time will be spent in an interactive atmosphere moving through four basic movement patterns: hinge, squat, push, and pull, along with the importance of core stability. Each participant will leave with tips focused on ways to improve their overall movement patterning and work-related well-being. Plenty of opportunity for Q&A. Registration is free but space is limited to allow for some individual attention. Click the link below to register.
Fresh To Morrow is a seed-to-fork, family-owned farm and café. The farm practices no spray, regenerative farming, and permaculture methods. Their café is close to the Little Miami River and bike trail. This team has built a vertically-integrated food system that incorporates both their farm and other local producers. Building soil health, encouraging seasonal eating, supporting their local economy, and reducing food waste are important aspects of their work.
Tantré Farm started its very first crops of potatoes, winter squash, and garlic in 1993 on a 40-acre parcel. Since then their farm has grown to include about 80 to 100 varieties of vegetables, mushrooms, and a small variety of herbs and flowers. Now their farmland has grown to 115 acres of wetland, woods, and sand-loam fields in the area. Produce is sold through CSA shares, at various local stores, restaurants, and also at the Ann Arbor and Chelsea Farmers Markets. Join Richard on a tour of this beautiful farm and get an opportunity to glean knowledge from his more than 30 years of organic farming experience. Learn more and register at the link below.