Help OOFRN consider a farmer-led working group model to develop projects and proposals in the future. We will discuss ways to build this structure and also share feedback on specific research ideas to move forward. Active network participants are encouraged to provide feedback, specific ideas, or general suggestions. We’re open to new participants as well. If you know someone with an interest in organic research, please invite. No experience needed, just interest! Past OOFRN meeting session topics and YouTube links are posted at
The OEFFA Grain Growers Chapter will meet on Friday, December 6 from 9:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. at the Wildcat Cafe in Vanlue. They have a decent menu and are reasonably priced. Everyone is responsible for their own lunch (and tip). RSVP to Bridget by email ( or text your RSVP including name to (419) 491-4436.
OEFFA's team of educators is available to assist farmers at any stage of their journey. Whether you are making the switch to organic, are already certified, or have questions about sustainable agriculture practices, OEFFA can share guidance and support. Drop in virtually each month to talk to sustainable agriculture educators with your queries and questions. Click the link below to register and receive the Zoom meeting link.