Event Series 2024 OEFFA Farm Tour and Workshop Series

Cooperative Farming Learning Series


Cooperatives do business differently—they are member-owned and controlled businesses that share profits and other benefits with users based on principles like self-help and equity. The model has long been applied in agriculture. Learn about the cooperative business model in local food and agriculture contexts in this three-part series. Cooperation as a business model (October 21) Success as a cooperative (October 28) Cooperative farming financial considerations (November 4) Register at the link below.

Food & Farm Marketing Basics

Meigs County Fairgrounds 41850 Fairgrounds Rd, Pomeroy, United States

Do you feel like your food and farm business marketing is missing the mark? Improve your marketing skills and better connect with your customers in this workshop. Learn how to price your products, identify your target customer, what to do with this information, and how to ensure your brand is effectively representing your business. This hands-on workshop will enhance your marketing and give your business a boost. Click the link below to register.

OEFFA Market Gardening Chapter Farm Tour and Potluck

Green Table Gardens 1469 Hook Road, Xenia, United States

Take some time to reflect on the season and connect with other market gardeners at a farm tour and potluck at Green Table Gardens in Xenia. Farmer Stephen Mackell is in his 12th year of market gardening (formerly at Mission of Mary Farm) and the 3rd year at this new site. Take a quick tour of the no-till and no tractor operation, high tunnels, caterpillar tunnels, propagation, and wash/pack. The OEFFA certification process will also be discussed as the site is certified organic through OEFFA. The tour starts at 3 p.m. with potluck dinner and discussion to follow. Please bring chairs to sit in and food to share! Bringing your own plates/utensils would also be helpful. Click the link below to join the OEFFA Market Gardening Chapter Facebook group and view this event.

Event Series 2024 OEFFA Farm Tour and Workshop Series

Cooperative Farming Learning Series


Cooperatives do business differently—they are member-owned and controlled businesses that share profits and other benefits with users based on principles like self-help and equity. The model has long been applied in agriculture. Learn about the cooperative business model in local food and agriculture contexts in this three-part series. Cooperation as a business model (October 21) Success as a cooperative (October 28) Cooperative farming financial considerations (November 4) Register at the link below.

Event Series Unlocking Local Grain Potential

Unlocking Local Grain Potential


This webinar series is intended to teach small grain-related businesses about successful strategies for working with local grains. The three sessions will cover grain testing with Hartwick College (September 10), strategies for bakers to gradually scale their use of local grains through flour blending with King Arthur Flour (October 7), and effective strategies for storytelling and marketing local grains (November 4). Learn more and register at the link below.


Climate Health Equity Webinar Series: Climate Change, Food Access and Health Outcomes in Greater Cincinnati


The 1-hour webinar hopes to address how climate change has impacted our food access and security and effects on health outcomes in the region, and ways to address this issue not only for the individual but also on a systems change level. This event is part of the “Climate Health Equity” webinar series, which builds on a recently completed report in partnership with Scioto Analysis, “Climate Health Equity – Analyzing the Impacts of Climate Change and Health Outcomes in Greater Cincinnati.” To highlight the findings of this report and accelerate action on key related issues, Green Umbrella will also be releasing a Public Service Announcement toolkit connected to the topics covered in the webinar series. This event is the eight webinar in Green Umbrella’s “Climate Health Equity” series. which builds upon a recently completed report in partnership with Scioto Analysis, “Climate Health Equity – Analyzing the Impacts of Climate Change and Health Outcomes in Greater Cincinnati.” Speaker : Aileen Lawson - Pantry Manager, CAIN Moderated by: Bamidele Osamika, and Maddie Chera – Green Umbrella

Ohio Organic Farmer Research Network Meeting


Mary Hathaway from the Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) will share information about their Farmer-Led Trials program. Now in its second year of accepting proposals, this grant program puts farmers in the driver’s seat and recognizes their wisdom, experimentation, and problem-solving skills. The program provides organic farmers with technical assistance and a small amount of funding to investigate and learn about solutions to their most pressing production challenges. Plan to join us and bring your questions! More information: Learn about the FLT program, last year’s recipients, and OFRF’s work at ofrf.org/research/farmer-led-research-trials. OFRF will have a longer online forum about the FLT program on October 29, featuring last year’s farmer researchers. Application deadline is December 1. Past OOFRN meeting session topics and YouTube links are posted at offer.osu.edu/oofrn-events.

Ohio Soil Health Week

Ohio Soil Health Week provides a time and space to celebrate, honor, and protect Ohio's soils. This weeklong celebration includes outreach, education opportunities, and events to raise awareness around Ohio's most valuable natural resource: our soil. The celebration will occur annually every second full week in November, honoring the late David Brandt, a sustainable agriculture trailblazer and the "Godfather of Soil Health", whose birthday falls that week. Ohio Soil Health Week will feature a variety of events hosted by multiple organizations and individuals around the state—all celebrating soil health.

Event Series Ohio Soil Health Week

Developing Regenerative Pastures and Community Connections: A Soil Health Field Demo Day in Champaign County

Truest Farms 7808 Ohio 161, Mechanicsburg, United States

Celebrate the inaugural Ohio Soil Health Week with a one.two.five Benefit Corporation field day that will begin with a 90-minute field tour* with Cory Stratton, the main farmer and co-owner of Truest Farms, a 21-acre regenerative farm established three years ago, focusing on poultry, hogs, and lambs. Then, everyone will meet for a 90-minute field tour* with Tonni & Graham Oberly, co-owners of Oaks & Sprouts farm. The Oberly’s grow a variety of vegetables and have a small livestock operation that includes pigs, a cow, goats, and livestock guardian dogs. The Oberly’s practice minimal tillage, use reusable landscape fabric, and rotate livestock to improve soil health. In between the two tours, attendees will meet for lunch and conversation at In Good Taste Catering & Market in Urbana. *each farm tour will feature interactive, hands-on learning and Q&A time with the farmers The cost of registration is $35/person. Lunch is provided. Ridesharing/carpooling is recommended. Please see the registration form for scholarship and cost-reduced registration options.

Event Series 2024 OEFFA Farm Tour and Workshop Series

Ohio Soil Health Week Farm Tour

Martin Hollow Heritage Farm 8854 Martin Hollow Road, Russellville, United States

Kick off the new Ohio Soil Health Week with a soil-focused farm tour! Martin Hollow Heritage Farm is a unique collaboration between landowner Carolyn Moore and farmer Danny Losekamp who raises cattle on the land, with support from longtime beef grazier Jim Linne. Walk through the pastures and identify the various species of grasses and legumes, take Brix readings, dig up some soil for a water infiltration demonstration, and talk about how USDA conservation programs helped fund the grazing infrastructure.