OEFFA Market Gardening Chapter Farm Tour and Potluck

Green Table Gardens 1469 Hook Road, Xenia

Take some time to reflect on the season and connect with other market gardeners at a farm tour and potluck at Green Table Gardens in Xenia. Farmer Stephen Mackell is in his 12th year of market gardening (formerly at Mission of Mary Farm) and the 3rd year at this new site. Take a quick tour of the no-till and no tractor operation, high tunnels, caterpillar tunnels, propagation, and wash/pack. The OEFFA certification process will also be discussed as the site is certified organic through OEFFA. The tour starts at 3 p.m. with potluck dinner and discussion to follow. Please bring chairs to sit in and food to share! Bringing your own plates/utensils would also be helpful. Click the link below to join the OEFFA Market Gardening Chapter Facebook group and view this event.