Event Series Bouquet Making Workshop

Bouquet Making Workshop

Upper Arlington Farmers Market 2140 Tremont Center, Upper Arlington

Working with flowers is a wonderful way to bring people together, promote positive energy, stress relief, and healing. Learn to craft flower bouquets in this workshop with two long time Common Greens producers, Pam of L Marie and Adrianne of Owl's Nest. Leave with the bouquet you made wrapped in tissue or craft paper, knowledge about arranging, and a fun experience!

Animal Mortality Composting Certification

The Longview Center 1495 W Longview Avenue, Mansfield

Attend the Animal Mortality Composting Certification if you compost animals. Before you compost dead livestock, you must obtain an Animal Mortality Composting Certification. The certification is a legal requirement per the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Rule 901: 13: 1 – 13. The complete Rule is found at https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-administrative-code/chapter-901:13-1 Presenter: Glen Arnold, Hancock County OSU Extension. Mr. Arnold has specialized in manure nutrient management since 2012. His work has involved subsurface swine manure applications into wheat, side dressing corn with liquid livestock manure on emerged corn or replacing commercial side dress nitrogen with liquid manure on emerged corn. Pizza, class materials and certificate are provided. Register at the link below.
