Land Health = Land Wealth

Greenacres 8255 Spooky Hollow Rd, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Greenacres Foundation and Holistic Management International will once again collaborate to present a workshop on how to effectively plan and execute well-timed and appropriate infrastructure and animal performance milestones through to cash flow. HMI Certified Educators Linda Pechin-Long and Wayne Knight join Michael Cox, Education Director for Greenacres Foundation, in demonstrating adaptive grazing management and case studies on how to start Holistic Planned Grazing, which can help managers learn how to optimize forage quality for animal performance while also ensuring pastures receive enough time to recover between successive grazing. The workshop will introduce some of the planning tools through hands-on case studies and activities. Come see "Safe to Fail" Trials and learn how they can help you discover how grazing and time are critical to pasture productivity and resilience.