All Day

Ohio Pawpaw Festival

Ohio Pawpaw Festival 5900 US Highway 50, Albany

The Ohio Pawpaw Festival is a fun-filled, educational community event celebrating one of America’s largest native tree fruits, the pawpaw (Asimina triloba). This all-weekend event highlights the rich history and future possibilities of the pawpaw through delectable food and beverages, and a full line-up of presentations and activities that cover pawpaw growing, cooking, genetics, medical use and other topics related to sustainability. There will be a community conversation organized by OEFFA about farmland access in the Meigs and Athens County area during the festival. Learn more and register for the festival at the link below.  

The What, Why and How of Organic Webinar Series


This three-part webinar series is primarily focused on training individuals who provide services to farmers, such as MSU Extension staff. However, the program is open to all, including organic-curious farmers. Zoom webinar information will be provided after registration. September 13 - What Learn about USDA Organic rules, approved products and participate in an Organic System Plan interactive activity . September 20 - Why Learn from a variety of farmers the reasons why they chose to pursue organic certification for their farm, a different type of certification or no certification at all. September 27 - How Learn all about getting certified, including: the process of choosing a certifier, the organic system plan and recordkeeping.